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What’s HOT and What’s NOT

I don’t really know what I should write in the beginning this blog entry to make it interesting. I just know that there are some things I really love, and some things that I hate with passion. And since I am bored, I decided to make a special blog entry about this. So there you … Continue reading

Twilight Saga: Eclipse The Movie – A Review

I have a very limited number of friends. And I have even less number of friends who like to read books. Twilight books series, to be exact. So when the third movie of the series, Eclipse, was released, I realised that most likely I would have to watch it alone. And it turns out that, … Continue reading

One Traditional Delicate

Nowadays, most Indonesians eat rice at least once a day. It is our staple food. Core food. It is so important for us that there’s a say that some people will not feel full unless they have eaten their rice. In addition to that, due to our geographical location, we are also blessed with fertile … Continue reading